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Bodmin student wins prestigious Gold BTEC Learner of the Year Award

The remarkable accomplishments of Adam Davey from Callywith College in Bodmin were celebrated on 25 November as he was awarded the prestigious Gold BTEC Award for IT and Computing Learner of the Year at the BTEC Awards 2022.

Adam’s inspiring achievements stood out among an international field of candidates and wowed the judges, who felt it was his ability to go above and beyond expectations that impressed the judges so enormously.

Not only is Adam the first and last to ask and answer questions, which he always absorbs immediately, but his commitment to producing high quality work, despite the challenging material or his incredibly busy schedule, is what sets him apart.

During his time at Callywith, Adam, who is

now studying Games Development Programming at Falmouth University, combined his knowledge of IT with leadership skills, resulting in impressive team challenge results. It’s his ability to grow and take new challenges by the scruff of the neck that will help him continue to stand out in his fledgling university career.

Adam’s IT Lecturer Jim Stoneleigh said: “My colleagues and I are delighted for Adam. He is a dedicated, extremely hard-working student and is a role model and inspiration to other students. The BTEC IT and Computing Learner of the Year Gold Award is a remarkable accolade, and we are thrilled that Adam has won it and that Callywith College, along with others, were able to help him achieve this award.”

Adam, who previously attended Fowey River Academy, said: “As a learner who has faced many challenges thus far, it is a great honour for me to receive this award. I believe this award is not only a representation of myself but shows how with enough effort, anything is possible.”

He continued, “However, this achievement is not just for me, this achievement shows the combined efforts of my lecturers, fellow students and my family, as it would not have been possible for me to get this far without their support. It is truly unbelievable to me that achieving this was even possible and I hope I can live up to the expectations it sets in my future endeavours.”

Callywith College Principal Jon Grey said: “Callywith College is extremely proud of Adam and the dedication he has shown to his studies. This award is well deserved and represents Adam’s commitment to his education and also the outstanding support he has received from his family, friends and teachers. BTEC qualifications continue to be a hugely important qualification, giving students the skills and knowledge they need to progress on to university, apprenticeships or employment.”


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