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Dad and Grandad duo take on the Rat Race

On 1st July, Sam and David Hoskin are competing in a Rat Race 'Man vs Coast.'

The dedicated duo will run from St Michael's Mount to Land’s End. The coastal route involves clambering over rocks and swimming in the sea! Funds raised from the 25-mile race will go to the Phoebe Hoskin Trust and the memorial garden it maintains.

Phoebe’s parents, Sam and Jade, set up the charity after their daughter, aged nine months, died of a terminal illness called Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome. It’s a type of leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disorder, that affects the brain, spinal cord, and immune system. Phoebe Hoskin Trust aims to support grieving families when a child has died. The help offered includes assistance with funeral planning, financial support, and ongoing care. To help make memories, the contents of the charity’s memory boxes provide precious keepsakes which enable families to create and keep cherished memories with their loved ones. These small tokens can play a huge part in ensuring the memories live on. The charity aims to provide these keepsakes to families who won't have the time to think about doing this during emotional times.

The trust maintains the 'Forever and Always' garden, baby and child memorial garden, in the grounds of Derriford Hospital. Initially the space was overgrown but over the past nine months it has been transformed to a peaceful sanctuary where families can come to remember their little ones.

To sponsor David (Phoebe’s grandad) and Sam’s charity run, please go to

For more information, please visit /


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