The Kinsman and Treningle Hub provides a warm, safe space for residents to come and take part in groups or activities.
The hub also serves to link residents with outside organisations that can help them with whatever they need helping with. Grace O’Donnell, who manages the hub alongside a team of passionate volunteers told Bodmin Life, “Our main focus is on strengthening the amazing sense of community that already exists on the estate”.
Currently running at the hub is a sewing bee, friendship cafe and a hub study group with an additional youth group and a toddler group hopefully starting up again soon!
Community Heart also run ‘Doing club’ on a Tuesday and they offer community meals throughout the year.
Grace said “Groups and activities normally happen at the hub because residents feel like there's a need for it, so if you have an idea, let us know! Also, we are predominantly run by volunteers so we welcome others that would like to do the same, at the hub.”
Grace continued, “I have been working for the hub for the last year, but I used it as a resident for 2 years before that. It's run by a ‘Volunteer tenants and residents association’ and some of the people involved have been there since the hub opened! The whole focus of the hub is around community and it's amazing to see people coming together to help each other out in one way or another.”
The team at the hub also organise a ‘fun day’ every year for their residents. They have games, stalls, face paint and arrange local organisations to come over to host workshops. Residents turn up rain or shine to enjoy themselves and the community spirit shown on this day fills all involved with joy!