At the end of June, we had A Level student Rosie Morris from Bodmin College spend a week with us here at Bodmin Life for work experience. She has written about her time with us. If you have a child who is looking for work experience placements in the magazine publishing industry, it is worth getting in touch with us before the end of the year to book a week for next summer -
By Rosie Morris
My name is Rosie Morris, and I am a student at Bodmin College 6th form. I am currently studying A-level English language, photography, and graphic design. This week I completed my work experience at Bodmin Life.
I have always been fascinated with the creative industry. It is something I am certain on pursuing after education. I am eternally grateful that Bodmin Life granted me the opportunity to complete my work experience with them as it has opened a new path for my future.
While working with Bodmin Life I gathered research for upcoming events in Redruth, and produced a series of articles on topics that are important to me. Working with Bodmin Life allowed me to gain confidence within my writing and explore the techniques needed to write articles. Having my first article published felt unreal. It unleashed a whole new confidence within my writing.
I am grateful to have explored a career path in journalism and it is something I would like to pursue in the future. Bodmin Life are an amazing company and are extremely helpful. I am especially thankful to Rosie Cripps who has been really supportive and helpful during my work experience week.